Heat baffle after burn-in


Active member
SOTM Winner
Nov 23, 2020
Reaction score
Rockwall, TX
SmokeFire EX4
I just finished assembling my new EX4 (2nd gen) and ran it at 600F for about 40 minutes for its initial burn-in. Afterward, my heat baffle looked like the photo below. I recalled it having an oily texture when assembling. Some of the reddish park flaked off, but the rest seems rather well adhered. Is this typical? Anyone have any idea what happened or if this is anything I should be concerned about? Thanks in advance.

Disregard...after watching a couple of burn-in videos on YouTube, I found out this is entirely normal. I'll just keep cleaning it as it flakes off. All safe for today's pre-Thanksgiving test run.
Disregard...after watching a couple of burn-in videos on YouTube, I found out this is entirely normal. I'll just keep cleaning it as it flakes off. All safe for today's pre-Thanksgiving test run.
I was kinda freaked out after seeing it on mine also
Any thoughts on cleaning the coating off before installing?
I guess I assumed it was oiled for a reason, as no other part was. Presumably because it is in direct contact with the flame. I've just made a point to check it after each of my first several cooks to see if any more is flaking off and needs to be removed.
I guess I assumed it was oiled for a reason, as no other part was. Presumably because it is in direct contact with the flame. I've just made a point to check it after each of my first several cooks to see if any more is flaking off and needs to be removed.
Like a lot of mild-steel plate that is neither stainless nor painted, the manufacturer typically puts a thin protective coating of oil or rust deterrent to protect it from rusting prior to usage.
I think it’s tung oil maybe.
The Weber FAQs on their website for the Smokefire said to expect this to discolor like that, and the oil is there intentionally to protect the metal. After my break in, I used a grill brush to scrub off the flakes, and vacuumed it up. Haven't noticed it since.

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