I have some minor things with hopper and I like tinkering around so I have a plan to fix them. The grease fire issue I've seen on some videos is a little worrisome but I don't usually smoke that much meat that has that much fat at one time. I think the best coarse of action is if you are doing a pork shoulder or something with a lot of fat content, move it away from the fire as much as possible or put grease pans down. Also make sure to clean per Webers recommendations. It's a little disappointing but nothing I'm too concerned about. I know the product is new and has some flaws, like every product, so I'm staying patient and seeing what Weber will do. I'm sure they haven't said much to people because they are coming up with a plan to make the issues people are having right. Last thing they want with the name they have is a have a bad reputation, bad product, and bad customer service.