Meat probes


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Sep 11, 2020
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Any recommendations for after market meat probes for the smokefire or should I stay with the weber ones.

Not really happy with the weber ones as I’ve had 3 crap out on me

What are you doing to the Weber probes?
I have had mine for about 6 years and haven't had an issue.
Getting them wet and kinking the wire can damage them.
I love the Weber SF probes , they are spot on with my Thermapen One thermometer, very accurate. I wipe them down with a Clorox disinfectant wipe and they clean up very easily.
I have had two die on me already. WTH?!?
Don’t wash in water use the Clorox wipes like suggested above. Route them through the notch at the top right corner of the lid to avoid damaging them and be very careful to never kink the cables. This is true of any brand of probe.
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My brother in law gave me a Meater+ for christmas and I did a cook on a whole chicken recently. I had the Meater in one breast and the weber probe in the other for comparison. It went really well and the Meater app tracks the temperature inside the cooker. The meater is wireless and bluetooth enabled as well as WiFi enabled.
My brother in law gave me a Meater+ for christmas and I did a cook on a whole chicken recently. I had the Meater in one breast and the weber probe in the other for comparison. It went really well and the Meater app tracks the temperature inside the cooker. The meater is wireless and bluetooth enabled as well as WiFi enabled.
Only the MEATER block is WiFi. The plus and original are Bluetooth only. That said they are a unique tool for sure.
I bought this for extra and they surprisingly fit into the SmokeFire perfectly.
I use Oprol probes available on Amazon. Bluetooth with 6 probes
I usually have the Weber probe in whatever I’m cooking, and the other non Weber for ambient. The right side of my SmokeFire gets hotter than the left…so I try to stick it in the middle…
My brother in law gave me a Meater+ for christmas and I did a cook on a whole chicken recently. I had the Meater in one breast and the weber probe in the other for comparison. It went really well and the Meater app tracks the temperature inside the cooker. The meater is wireless and bluetooth enabled as well as WiFi enabled.
I just picked one of these up this week… I got sick of the Weber probes not reading accurately.

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