Pellet sensor failure


Active member
SOTM Winner
Dec 1, 2021
Reaction score
Atascocita, Tx
SmokeFire EX4 Gen 2, Original 22" Kettle
I searched the forum but couldn't find a discussion on the subject. Prior to a trip out of town 3 weeks ago and several successful cooks I unplugged the SF, covered it and went on my way. I left the hopper about 1/2 full of charcoal pellets since they don't tend to absorb moisture. Today I prepped SF for a cook and when I turned it on it immediately warned me to refill the hopper. I checked - plenty in there and I pulled enough back to clean off the glass of the sensor. Added some more pellets for good measure - all to no avail. So - question? Is the sensor prone to failure or is the problem elsewhere. It is running S/W version 04054 (but the app tells me that is the 'current' version ?!?!?)
I do intend to contact Weber tomorrow, today being Sunday and will see what they have to say. I thought I'd ask here just to get some opinions on what might be going on.
Explain further. I assume it’s still telling you to add pellets?
When I power it up right after the SF splash screen it immediately tells me that I'm low on fuel and to add pellets. I hit ok and it takes me to the normal screen to set temp. So I fired it up and after several minutes - maybe 15 - it told me low fuel and to add pellets. Hit 'OK' and we motored on. All the time the hopper is over 1/2 full.
Thankfully tonight's cook is just some fish and sausages which take no time and I can monitor.
Charcoal pellets....
That's your problem...
They mess with the sensor.
OK - I'll drain and refill with something else and report back.
OK - that worked!!! Huge THANKS but this nucking futts. Does the sensor discriminate between black (charcoal) and brown (regular wood) pellets? Curious - I've not seen this behaviour before when using charcoal pellets - but you solved my problem and I'm back in business - Thanks again.
Next thing we know is they’ll tell us we’re not using ‘official Weber pellets’ just like some printer companies tell us when we insert a non-company ink cartridge in our printers!!!!
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OK - so here's a new one (at least for me). I decided to do a full cleaning including pulling the augur to clean it. As people have mentioned it's an easy job. When I pulled the augur, I noticed that the very small bolt securing the augur to the motor shaft had no nut holding it in place. The bolt was loose and could have come out except the diameter of the augur enclosure prevented it. The bolt was not damaged, and everything else seems in good order. I bought a SS locking nut and secured things - off and cooking again as I type this.

So here's my question - was that bolt supposed to have a nut in the first place? I can't determine from the Weber schematic.
that is nuts for sure. I’m pretty sure it is suppose to have a nut or cotter pin to keep in place. But I’m no expert. I also had a sensor issue, just looked up how to reset it….worked fine after.
All the bolts I've ever put on various augers by various MFGs all had a nut with nylon lining to keep it from backing out.
All the bolts I've ever put on various augers by various MFGs all had a nut with nylon lining to keep it from backing out.
That's what I added. I guess whoever put the thing together originally didn't secure it with a nylock nut, no nut at all or a regular nut not well tightened which backed off and ended up in the burn pot (which I would have sucked it out when doing routine vacuum cleaning).

Ah well - back in business now.
That nut will back off. I had a motor failure in January. Since I had an extra motor and auger, I pulled the faulty one out, and when I did I noticed that the nut had backed off. I know it had one when I replaced it back in the summer.
I would go get a cotter pin and replace it.
Serves the same function as that bolt and there is no nut to back off.
Good plan. Will add one to my spare parts list.
The first Smokefires had cotter pins instead of nut/bolt. I seem to remember a LOT of cotter pins shearing off, but not a lot of bolts shearing. I think you'd be trading down with a cotter pin. A dab of loctite on the threads of the bolt seems to me to be in order instead of a cotter pin which is softer metal.

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