So for many who won't be able to relate allow to go off topic and explain my dilemma. Here in the not so great state of California we've got this agency called ISO who is responsible for maintaining the power grid, electrical distribution, etc. as I understand it. At any rate even with all the residential solar, commercial solar, and limited new power generating capacity brought online since the Gray Davis years (and thats a whole nother discussion) ISO's solution to every heat wave is to warn people to cut back power consumption, issue "flex alerts" and finally limit available power through the use of rolling blackouts. Mind you with no warning, they just shut it off and play dumb. Shut our area off yesterday afternoon for several hours when it was 113*, and with local temps today and tomorrow forecast 110*+ I expect more of the same. Has anyone run their SF off of a generator yet? I imagine its possible if you're set up for it in advance and not scrambling to throw it into service as your "what if" back up. I don't own a generator anymore, my back up is a WSM, a Genesis, or a Kettle, probably in that order.
I've got a rack of beef short ribs goin on the SF today, and a butt goin down tomorrow. I'm gonna roll the dice and go with the SF and pray those bastiges at ISO don't have our neighborhood in the crosshairs again this weekend. You all stay safe, stay cool and enjoy the rest of your Labor Day weekend.
I've got a rack of beef short ribs goin on the SF today, and a butt goin down tomorrow. I'm gonna roll the dice and go with the SF and pray those bastiges at ISO don't have our neighborhood in the crosshairs again this weekend. You all stay safe, stay cool and enjoy the rest of your Labor Day weekend.
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