Same ole Smokefire


New member
Jan 30, 2021
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Smokefire EX6
Guys I’m new to here, but I’m definitely not new to Weber. I purchased this particular Smokefire back in the summer. I became so fed up with the problems that I sold it to a buddy for 500 bucks. Went out and bought the Weber summit charcoal with a little help from Weber. If you’re having problems with the smoke fire just go by the summit charcoal and your problems will go away. My buddy hated the Smokefire so bad I felt terrible and ended up giving him his money back and took my POS again. Since I took it back I’ve done two cooks. One was a Thanksgiving turkey that couldn’t have went more perfect until the last 5 to 7° when everything broke loose and we ended up going from 300° to almost 500°. The nice Weber App was telling me temperature alert, temperature alert, no shit. It completely charred the bird. I salvaged what I could. The temperature on the cooker was still set at 300, what the heck? Anyways we got some bad weather and I thought I’ll try to throw some ribs on there. I’m getting ready to send you a few pictures of the three racks of ribs that I cooked. Two are unedible.

Weber has tried to be good and they’ve sent various parts which I’ve installed. If I said I had 10 cooks on this smoke fire I can’t tell you that three turned out OK. Seriously. It’s assembled correctly, Jim and I went through that. It’s got the latest software. And mine like a lot of guys grills has a little bit of a hotter spot to the right. I put two of the racks once wrapped to the left and one to the farthest right point you could get it. What the three pictures represent are the two on the left are completely chard, burnt. The first two hours we were set at 245°. These were then wrapped for one hour at 275°. This is what I pulled out to try and do the final based and finish the cook. I’m completely embarrassed because I know I’m a damn good cooker. Are people having similar issues? I keep mine away from the house enough that when it does catch fire it’s not close enough to catch the house. It is right beside my swimming pool though because if all else fails I could push it in. Anybody have these frustrations and come up with some sort of a fix?View attachment 3245
I wish there was one under my smoke fire that would blow it up.
Dude, I’ve had mine for over a year, and your not even stating why the meat was charred...?! Grease fire? Why did it char,? I don’t see how that thing could char something unless user error. Sounds fishy to me. Just saying.
Dude, I’ve had mine for over a year, and your not even stating why the meat was charred...?! Grease fire? Why did it char,? I don’t see how that thing could char something unless user error. Sounds fishy to me. Just saying.
No fire, all three were put on with the one that looked the best to the far right. The other two were to the left of the fire box. They both are chard after I wrapped them for one hour. Like there was a fire to the left. These get hot to the right of the firebox normally. That’s what I’m stating.

Yes I’ve had fires before. One was a bad grease fire and another was where the pellets were jammed in the damn auger and caught the auger of the unit on fire.

My assumption would be even though the cooker was at a certain temperature apparently it was hotter than hell on the left side. That’s the bullshit of the smoker. It’s extremely unpredictable. Nothing fishy here. Just a piece of shit. I don’t know why people keep screwing with this thing. I simply bought it so I could cook in weather like we have today here in Indiana. I really don’t like messing with charcoal out in the cold. Apparently I need to get over that. I’ve got a grand wrapped up in it. I’d like for it to work as advertised instead of wasting the cash I dished out.
Do we really need two threads that are exactly the same?
Sounds like you love your Summit and nothing we do or say here in the way of help with the SF will make any difference.
Do we really need two threads that are exactly the same?
Sounds like you love your Summit and nothing we do or say here in the way of help with the SF will make any difference.
Didn’t realize I had submitted it twice. New here. I know. No breaks. Just critics. It’s all good.
Didn’t realize I had submitted it twice. New here. I know. No breaks. Just critics. It’s all good.
Sorry, but my ex4 has been in almost constant use under all condition for over 8 months and well over 80 cooks and I have never experienced any of the issues you describe.

I have had only small software glitch that was due to an incomplete download via my android phone that was rectified by reloading it via my iPad.
Sorry, but my ex4 has been in almost constant use under all condition for over 8 months and well over 80 cooks and I have never experienced any of the issues you describe.

I have had only small software glitch that was due to an incomplete download via my android phone that was rectified by reloading it via my iPad.
Thanks. The only thing I did different yesterday was I used Char Hickory Pellets. However before I wrapped the ribs the ribs were fine. They were double wrapped with brown sugar apple juice butter and honey. All three the same. The odd thing yesterday was the left aide of the grill was the hot side. I dunno.
Got my SmokeFire preordered the second I could. It’s been amazing, it was really good after the first couple of updates and once we all realized you should use a grease pan under something like a pork butt.
Once I put the one piece auger chute in its been PERFECT! Low and slow to high heat.
Sorry you have had so many problems.
Thanks. The only thing I did different yesterday was I used Char Hickory Pellets. However before I wrapped the ribs the ribs were fine. They were double wrapped with brown sugar apple juice butter and honey. All three the same. The odd thing yesterday was the left aide of the grill was the hot side. I dunno.
I have never used anything but Weber Pellets after reading the issues that some, but not all, users on this and other site have had.

Hopefully you will get things sorted out, as this really is a terrific smoker/ grill when it is working correctly. Just remember that most of the posts you read tend to be those with issues, as the vast majority are too busy cooking👍🤔😊
Have you tried putting some ambient temp probes on each check the temp differences? I’d also double check your flavorizer tray and bar installation. One time after cleaning I left one bar stacked on another and it made a huge difference in temp and charred some wings in that spot much more than rest of grill.
Some people don’t really want help.
Why not take it back? I know they were giving people their money back.

sounds like the software has never been updated either.

Anyone who has a big grease fire is negligent. Animal fat combusts at 375. You simply cannot render boatloads of fat on a low and slow and then crank the thing up to 500-600 degrees. That goes for any cooker.
Some people don’t really want help.
Why not take it back? I know they were giving people their money back.

sounds like the software has never been updated either.

Anyone who has a big grease fire is negligent. Animal fat combusts at 375. You simply cannot render boatloads of fat on a low and slow and then crank the thing up to 500-600 degrees. That goes for any cooker.
Amen! And ditto!

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